Older Boys Circumcision by an Experienced Surgeon

Circumcision Clinic London is a leading private clinic in London.

The clinic is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and provides a safe and professional circumcision service.

It is a private male circumcision centre based in Surbiton, London. Procedures are performed in a designated medical centre. Our professional team operate in a safe and sterile environment.

The clinic is set up for religious and medical circumcisions on males of all ages (infants, boys and adult men).  A professional circumcision service is offered to all clients.

Dr (Mr) Anwar Khan is working part time in a sub speciality of surgery at Grange University Hospital, Cwmbran, Wales.  He is an ex surgeon of Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport and University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, Wales. Dr (Mr) Khan has performed more than 25 thousand circumcision procedures on infants, young boys and adults in the UK. He is a highly experienced surgeon with excellent post-operative results in all procedures including revision and re-do circumcisions.

Dr (Mr) Khan is skilled in various techniques of circumcision such as ring method (Circumplast, Plastibell), sleeve, free hand, forceps guided method, stitches, dorsal slit, revision, redo circumcision, and frenuloplasty.

Dr (Mr) Khan offers his patients pre-procedure advice and supports them throughout the healing process by offering 24 hours a day aftercare. You can rest assured you and your child are in the safe hands of Dr (Mr) Khan’s expert team.


Male circumcision is a procedure which is performed globally. It is an ancient practice with religious and cultural values due to its medical benefits. The procedure is reasonably safe if performed by experienced surgeons.

Circumcision is defined simply as the surgical removal of a fold of skin (the `foreskin’ or `prepuce’) that covers the head (glans) of the un-erect penis.

The procedure is pain free because it is carried out under local anaesthesia. Local anaesthetic cream (EMLA or LMX4) is applied before the local anaesthetic injection is injected into the base of the penis.


It is an old and traditional method of circumcision.  This technique is appropriate for all ages (infants, young boys and adults), though it is more suitable for young boys and adults. It takes around 30 minutes (for young boys) to perform the procedure.

Circumcision-Clinic-Cardiff-Sleeve-Resection-Method (1)

Adequacy of the pain relief is confirmed prior to commencing the procedure. Outline of the glans penis is marked. Preputial adhesions are divided and prepuce is mobilised. Skin and inner prepuce resected with the help of scalpel and scissors keeping the glans under direct vision. Haemostasis secured with bipolar diathermy. Wound repaired with dissolvable sutures. Light dressing applied around the wound.

The risks of the procedure are: bleeding, infection, and residual excess skin remaining.


Circumcision is a minor surgical procedure that requires little postoperative care in the first few days to prevent any problems.

Bleeding is a rare complication – Significant bleeding may require a review in a small number of cases.

We would also wish to observe the patient for half an hour after the circumcision to ensure that the procedure has been successful without any acute complications like bleeding.

Please remove the dressing 24 hours after the procedure. The dissolvable stitches will fall off within two to three weeks. You should continue give him pain control medication for next few days.

A detailed written advice sheet will be provided after the procedure.

For further reading, visit the following link:
