Frequently asked questions about circumcision and Circumcision Clinic London are answered below:

Is parking available at the clinic?

There is on street free parking.

Do both parents need to be present?

We need presence of both parents in order to sign the consent form.

Where do I come?

The clinic is located at the following address:

Transcend Consulting Rooms
65 Warren Drive North (Ground Floor)
Surbiton, London

What documents will be needed on the day of the appointment?

You are required to bring: the child’s red book or birth certificate (if issued) or wristbands of the baby and mother. Photographic ID (e.g. passport or driving license) for both parents.

Will my child be awake?

We use a local anaesthetic cream and injection to numb the penis. This means that the patient is not put to sleep.

Pre-operative preparation

Pre-operative preparation for the procedure is very important. You will be told about painkiller medicines and topical anaesthetic cream that will be administered to your son. The pain control medication will help to control pain after the procedure once the anaesthetic effect has worn off. A local anaesthetic cream applied at the base of the penis in a ring fashion makes the skin of that area numb. This helps in reducing the discomfort of needle prick of local anaesthetic injection at the beginning of the procedure. After a few minutes of injection of local anaesthesia the whole skin of penis becomes numb from the base to the tip of the penis.

How long will the procedure take?

Expect to spend about two hours at the clinic, though it can be longer. The actual procedure time depends on the technique chosen and the patient’s age. The ring method (Circumplast/Plastibell) takes only 5-7 minutes after the local anaesthetic is applied. The sleeve resection method (cut and stitch) takes 30–60 minutes, depending on the patient’s age (child or adult).

Why does it take so long?

Patients will first be assessed to ensure that he is well. The doctor will take some details about the patient and his health. If the doctor thinks that the patient is not suitable for the procedure; a full explanation will be given as to why and alternative arrangements will be suggested. The doctor will discuss with you about the procedure and aftercare.

We would also wish to observe the patient for half an hour after the circumcision to ensure that the procedure has been successful without any acute complications like bleeding.

What will happen at the clinic?

The doctor will explain the procedure and risks. He will ask to sign a consent form. Parents can only sign the consent form in case of children.

Will my child cry?

Every baby and child is different. We have had babies and children who have not cried for the injection and have remained quiet during the entire circumcision procedure. Other babies and children start crying as soon as they are undressed and put on the couch.

One way to calm and settle babies and very young children is to give them a bottle of sugary water/milk to drink during the injection and the circumcision procedure. We strongly advise this for all babies, infants and toddlers, even if they are breast-fed.

Can parents stay in the room during the circumcision?

We encourage parents to stay in the operating room during the entire circumcision procedure. Sometimes other family members, like grandparents and aunts, remain with the child whilst the parents wait outside.

How much does it cost?

Call us to obtain a quotation for a fresh or a revision of a procedure. A non refundable deposit is required to book an appointment. A prior consultation for a revision procedure will have to be carried out which will incur consultation charges.

How do I pay?

You will be required to pay a deposit at the time of booking appointment. We accept cash only. You will be expected to make the payment at the reception on arrival.

What is your policy regarding booking, cancellation and rescheduling of an appointment?

Bookings are strictly through appointments. A 48 hours notice is required for rescheduling of a confirmed appointment. Failure to do so will make the patients liable to pay the surcharge and administration fee which is 50% of the total cost of the procedure quoted.

If you wish to cancel a confirmed appointment then a week’s notice is required but 50% of the total cost of the procedure quoted will still be payable as the surcharge and administration fee.

In case of a failure to attend the clinic on the day of the procedure or not intimating the clinic about the cancellation of a confirmed appointment a week earlier, 100% of the total cost of the procedure quoted will be forfeited and the clinic will not be obliged to reimburse that amount under any circumstances.